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GK & IQ Exam Set 79

Welcome to your GK & IQ Exam Set 79

सबैभन्दा धेरै भुकम्प जाने देश कुन हो ?

संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघिय विश्व विद्दालयको प्रधान कार्यलय कहां छ ?

एसिया महादेशम भूपरिवेष्टित राष्ट्रहरुको संख्या कति छ ?

UNHCR को प्रधान कार्यालय कुन देश मा पर्दछ ?

माल्दिभ्सको मुख्य धर्म कुन हो ?

68 : 130 :: ? : 350

Find the percentage of number 1 from 1 to 100?

Find the percentage of boys in a class where there are 1/3 girls among 300 students?

Pipe A can fill a tank in 90 minutes and Pipe B can empty a tank in 60 minutes then find the time required to empty the tank in hour?

If the average of first 2 numbers are 30 and average of last 2 numbers is 40 and the average of all 5 numbers is 50 then find the 3rd number.

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