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GK & IQ Exam Set 76

Welcome to your GK & IQ Exam Set 76

नेपालमा कम्प्युटरको प्रयोग कहिले देखि शुरू गरियो ?

"सोडीयम क्लोराइड" ............ हो ?

बालुवा र आयोडिनलाई कसरी छुट्याइन्छ ?

राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगको अध्यक्ष को हुने ब्यवस्था छ ?

सुशासनको मेरुदण्ड केलाई मानिन्छ ?

In a certain code language COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How will MEDICINE be written in that code language?

Ornithologist: Bird:: Archaeologist : ?

Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence. 1. Word 2. Paragraph 3. Sentence 4. Letters 5. Phrase

If 10 is coded as 1010 then 1010 is decoded as ?

CUP: LIP :: BIRD : ?

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