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Sub Overseer Full Exam Set (23 Mangsir 2080)

Welcome to your Sub-Overseer Exam Full set 1

1. The survey which is carried out for determining absolute locations and the direction of any line on the surface of the earth by making observation to heavenly bodies is called

2. Find the R.F.of 1mm = 0.1m

3. Which of the following scale is the smallest one

4. The longest chain line passing through the centre of the area is known as

5. Handles of chains are made of

6. Permanent adjustment are carried out to

7. Levelling across a river is done by

8. The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical centre of the object is known as

9. The vertical distance between any two consecutive contours is known as

10. Two contour lines, having the same elevation

11. The observed reading on a levelling staff was 3.545 m. If the staff was 0.15m off from the original ground level, what should be correct reading?

12. The place where reading is taken is known as

13. Well-conditioned triangle have an angle between

14. In chain survey execution, the first step taken is

15. A discrepancy is the difference between

16. The type of error which are of cumulative nature and can be corrected is known as

17. A chain 33 feet long and consisting of 16 links is called

18. Normal tension is that pull which

19. The sag correction is always

20. Area of triangle joining three corner points in comparision to the circle joining same three points is:

21. A 30m chain was found to be 10cm too long after chaining 1500 m. The correct length of the total distance chained will be

22. A Chain is made up of mild steel or galvanized iron wire of diameter

23. Obstacle to ranging but not chaining is

24. Due to curvature of earth, the object looks

25. The isometric projection of a sphere is a

26. Free hand sketch is normally used for

27. When a pyramid or cone is cut by cutting plane parallel to its base, the remaining portion thus obtained after removing the top is called ……….

28.The internal angle of regular hexagon is

29. The following are the solids of revolution except

30. The dimension line is generally :

31. In italic lettering, the direction of letters is at:

32. The section obtained when the section plane is inclined to the axis of cone and cuts all generators on either side of the apex, is called ………..

33. In case of orthographic projection, the number of view generally used are

34. Perspective projection is used to represent

35. The isometric axis are inclined at ………… degree to each other.

36. The three phase system uses voltage upto

37. Which of the following quantities consists of SI unit as watt?

38. Harmful bacteria are called

39. Baffle wall in septic tank is

40. Grit is

41. Most suitable section of sewer in separate sewage system is

42.Sanitary sewage contains

43. Which one is water borne disease?

44. The water supply demand in a day school without boarder should be

45. R.M.O means

46. An aquiclude is

47. Inert material of cement concrete mix is

48. Flash setting of cement means

49. The red colour of the brick is due to

50. Swelling of bricks is known as

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