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Sub Overseer Exam Set (Asar 30/80)

Welcome to your Sub- Overseer Exam full Set 5 l

1. To prevent warping of the board, ……………. are cleated at its back.

2. Tracing paper is also named as

3. The main purpose of leader line is

4. The section obtained when the section plane is parallel to the base is called …………..

5. Circles of small radii are drawn by means of

6. In drafting machine, which one does not follow?

7. The angle between two horizontal line is

8.The unseen/inner edge of an object is represented by

9. The length: width in case of arrow head is

10. The scale 1mm = 0.1 m represents

11. The isometric axis are inclined at …………. degree to each other.

12. The solid which is generated by revolution of right angle triangle about one of its perpendicular sides which remain fixed is called …………

13. The surface area of …………… drawing sheet is one square meter.

14. The isometric length is ………. percent of actual length.

15. ………….. is a decoration that looks like a door.

16. Flooring preferred for dancing hall is

17. Pieces of stones are called

18. The colour of neutral wire is

19. Sickness of tube well indicates

20. Normally shape of demand line is

21. What is the color of HDP pipe 6 kg/cm2.

22. The sewage consists of water

23.The water supply pipe should be tested at a specified pressure for

24. If head of water is more than 100m, then the type of pipe used is

25. The device installed for drawing water from the sources are called

26. The self-cleansing velocity normally adopted for sewer is

27. Manhole is said to be deep if its depth is more than

28. Before entering a manhole, a candle is lowered into the manhole

29. From septic tank, the effluents are discharged into

30. Most of electrical wiring is made of :

31. PH value is symbol for ……………. material.

32. Mud plastering does not require

33. Slump test is a measure of

34. The process of heating the limestone to redness in contact with air is termed as

35. An ornamental projection from the face of brick wall is called

36. The load bearing cantilever projection from the face of masonry wall is called

37. Slag cement contains

38. Water absorption of cement should not be more than

39. Los Angeles machine is used to test the aggregate for

40. Number of bricks required for one cubic meter masonry wall is

41. The 19cm* 9cm side of brick as seen in wall face , is generally known as

42. Sand has minimum volume when

43. Permanent adjustment are carried out to

44. A river is obstacle to :

45. Gypsum is added to cement for reducing the fast reacting property of

46. The pozzolona Portland cement gains strength

47.The maximum percentage of water absorption of 2nd class brick in 24 hours should be limited to

48. Pug mill is used for

49. The number of corrugations in a galvanized corrugated sheet is usually

50. The minimum number of hinges provided in door and window shutter should be

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