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AHW Full Exam Set ( Falgun 27)

Welcome to your AHW Full Exam set 4

1. Which of the following method is useful as educational devices for school children?

2. Drug of choice for treatment of rickettsial diseases is

3. Phimosis को कारण तलका मध्ये कुन हुन सक्छ ?

4. तापक्रमको अनुपात भन्दा कम गतिले pulse बढ्नुलाई लाई के भनिन्छ ?

5. The type of wound caused by scraping off the outer layers of skin is a(n):

6. First aid for the patient suffered by electric current is…

7. Confirmatory test for hepatitis C is:

8. Drug used in organophosphrous poisoning

9. Complications को screening गर्नु कुन level of prevention अन्र्तगत पर्दछ ?

10.सेतो आउँ गराउने परजीविको नाम के हो ?

11. Housefly usually can not transmits

12. Incineration गर्नको लागी राखिएको फोहरमा पानीको आद्र्धता कति प्रतिशत भन्दा कम हुनु पर्दछ ?

13. Sleeping sickness is related to

14. HIV/AIDS को पहिलो case सबैभन्दा पहिले कहिले मा देखापरेको थियो ?

15. Which diseases is also known as silent killer diseases

16. Inflammation of lungs parenchyma is called

17. Liver disease भएको alcohol withdrawal को विरामी मा तलका मध्ये कुन औषधीको प्रयोग गर्नु उपयुत मानिन्छ ?

18. Which of the following diseases is not related to respiratory system?

19. तलका मध्ये कुन छालाको समस्यामा ballooning देखापर्दछ ?

20. Which of the following is communicable diseases?

21. तलका मध्ये कुन मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्या भएको अवस्थामा cognitive deficit देखापर्दछ ?

22. Which method is the best one for sterilization among the following?

23. विकसित देशमा मृत्युको प्रमुख कारण कुन हो ?

24. तलका मध्ये कुन रोगमा red current jelly stool देखापर्दछ ?

25. Not a feature of neurogenic shock:

26. कति डेसिबलको आवाजमा लगातार लामो समयसम्म रहिरहेमा स्थाइ बहिरोपन हुन सक्छ?

27. तल दिइएका मध्ये कुन चाहीँ उच्च रक्तचापको modifiable risk factor हो?

28. जनस्वास्थ्य समस्या नहुनेगरी कुनै रोगको नयाँ संख्या घटाउनुलाई के भनिन्छ?

29. In counseling, the decision is taken by

30. Best method of teaching an urban slum about ORS is:

31. Neutrophils is a type of:

32. The study of "What the body does to drug" is

33. नेपालमा दोस्रो राष्ट्रिय स्वास्थ्य नीति कहिले लागु भएको थियो ?

34. Meninges is the covering of

35. निःसासिएको नवशिशुको व्यवस्थापनबारे जान्नुपर्ने कुरा के के हुन् ?

36. All the new cases of a disease in a community is called as:

37. Implantation occurs following fertilization on:

38. Itch mite is an example of:

39. The form of malaria parasite which is infective to mosquito is:

40. Which gland secrete Thymosin hormone

41. Which of the following is not included in cranial nerves:

42. अतिरिक्त सेवा विदा कस्तो अवस्थामा पाइन्छ ?

43. Community diagnosis is based on:

44. Dose of anti-rabies vaccine in intradermal route is

45. When malaria eradication program converted to malaria control program in Nepal:

46. नेपालीहरुले पश्चिम तिरका देशहरुको culture अवलम्बन गर्नु के को उदाहरण हो ?

47. Measles vaccine is given from...............route.

48. 'APGAR' Score indicates........

49. Interview is example of ........of health education:

50. Health post ले प्रत्येक महिना आफू भन्दा माथिल्लो निकायमा पठाउने monthly reporting form कुन हो ?

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