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Technical IQ Exam (2079/08/03)

Welcome to your Technical IQ Exam (2079/08/03)

  1. From a group of seven undergraduate students (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G), four will be selected to give a presentation to the students' union. The following conditions must be met:
  • Either A or B must be selected, but A and B cannot both be selected.
  • Either E or F must be selected, but E and F cannot both be selected.
  • E cannot be selected unless C is selected.
  • G cannot be selected unless B is selected.


If we know that F is not selected to present, how many different groups of four can be made, following the above criteria?

2. Who is the killer of the women?

3. I am first of January, fourth of October, fifth of March and third of June then what is my name?



b. If at least 60% marks in Physics are required for pursuing higher studies in Physics, how many students will be eligible to pursue higher studies in Physics?


c. The percentage of number of students getting at least 60% marks in Chemistry over those getting at least 40% marks in aggregate, is approximately?


4. dThe number of students scoring less than 40% marks in aggregate is?


5.a What is the 5th working day before the third weekend?


5.b What is the last non-working day of month?


5.c What is the 8th day immediately after the holiday?


5.d What is the 10th working day immediately before the holiday?


a. What is the 1st non-working day of the month?

b. What is the 5th working day before the 4th weekend?

6. c

c. What is the last working day of the month?

6. d

d. What is the 8th day immediately after the holiday?

7. If a = +, b = , c = ×, d = ÷ then what is the value of 2a2b2c2d2?

8. If Father is A, Son is B and Grandfather is C then who is elder one?

9. Which of the following do not contain more than 2 vowels?

10. Which of the following do not contain more than 2 round letters?

11. Which of the following do not contain more than 2 roman letters?

12. Which of the following do not contain more than 2 straight letters?

13. तल दिईएका शब्दहरुको सहि Alphabetical arrangement कुन हुन्छ ?

Hari          Gopal               Shyam              सीता          गीता

14. तल दिईएका शब्दहरुको सहि Alphabetical arrangement कुन हुन्छ ?

Elephant       Electricity       Electric        Eagle         Eager

15. तल दिईएका अक्षरहरुबाट निर्माण हुने अर्थपूर्ण शब्द कुन हो ?


16. तल दिईएका अक्षरहरुबाट निर्माण हुने अर्थपूर्ण शब्द कुन हो ?


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